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Basic information to know before using the Jokes API

This API requires an API key to be sent along with your requests: Get yours by creating an account

All jokes are only available in french for the moment. Sorry for the inconvenience.

We are hard working for create a translation

Different methods exist to have jokes, currently there are three and here they are:

  • Random Jokes: You can only choose which category of joke you do not want to have


  • Jokes by category: You will receive only the jokes of which you indicated the category


  • Jokes by ID: You will receive the jokes of which you indicate the ID


Here is an example of what each method returns

    "status": 200, //The status allows to know if the joke was found or not 
    "content": {
        "id": 44, // The unique identifier
        "type": "global", // The category of the joke
        "blague": "Que dit un canard quand il va aux toilettes ?", // The joke
        "reponse": "Je vais au petit coin." // The answer

Last updated